Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fatherhood and the Scooter Blues

Razor scooters are cool. All the kids have them nowadays because they look good and they go fast. What more could a kid want?
While Razors are cool, Old Wahoo is not. The two oldest Wahoo kids have Razors, and I love that they want to ride them to school. It's great exercise, and it's easy to get them excited to use them. 
There's a problem, though. Razors are supposed to fold easily. All you need to do is flick a switch, and presto! the Razor folds into an easily transportable vehicle. Only it's not that easy for me, especially with the 5-year-old's scooter. Lately, I've tried and tried in vain to fold up the Razor as he heads into kindergarten. Finally, I give up and just throw the scooter in the back of the stroller and head back home. It's no big deal, really, except my feelings of fatherly ineptitude have increased greatly, and I have much more important things in which to feel inept. 
Fatherhood's not supposed to be easy. The kids are supposed to see you fail because they need to know that nobody's perfect.
Except I want to be. And sometimes, though, I know this is unrealistic and impossible, I want them to be perfect, too.

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