Monday, January 25, 2010

The Commercialization of Kids

Though the second-grader told me last night that commercials "demolish your knowledge," my kids remain transfixed by TV advertisements. (See their love for infomercials.) To me, I find their obssession with commercials more annoying than troublesome, and their new favorite ad, the Miller Lite one where the boyfriend picks saving his beer over his girlfriend, drives that emotion home. Because they think the commercial is so clever, the two older boys have started quizzing Mrs. Wahoo and I constantly. They asked me if I would save the cat or my money if they both fell off a cliff, and they asked the Mrs. if she would save her job or the cat. (They are also obssessed with their cat.) My standard answer: I would save any living thing, but I also express my displeasure with the question in general.
Mostly, though, I'm upset that they don't make good Miller Lite commercials anymore. I tell you, back when I was a kid, they made really good commercials. Even if Miller Lite doesn't taste great (and even if I don't care if it's less filling).

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