Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another Father's Thoughts

Old Wahoo asked friend and Grosse Pointe Woods neighbor Mike Ramsey his thoughts on fatherhood. Mike graduated from the University of Ohio, and he's a big Reds, Bengals and Ohio State fan.

Age? 35
Number of children and their ages? two, Cate -5 and Wes -2

Occupation? Automotive Journalist

What is the best part about being a father? My kids are hilarious. They make me laugh, and keep me from being selfish. They also make me appreciate my wife more.

What is the toughest challenge you face as a father? Trying to be a disciplinarian when I don't see them as much as I'd like. It's tough to be the heavy when you miss seeing your kids.

How does your job affect your responsibilities and desires as a father?
It can be a big impediment. I work a lot of late nights and can be out of town for several days at a time. In some ways though, it makes the time with them better.

How do you balance your career and your family life?
I make a real effort to say no when I have to the things that would make me stay late at work. I try to warn my bosses that I need to leave to do certain things. I also realize that sometimes that isn't possible.

How has fatherhood changed since you were a child? How are you a different father than your father? I suppose that in a lot of ways things aren't all that different. I'm a different person than my dad, but our styles are pretty similar. He is a lot more quiet than I am, and maybe not as openly affectionate as I am with my kids. But he was/is a very good dad.

How has being a father affected your relationship with your father? We were already close, so I guess it's only changed my understanding of him. He was a younger father than me, and I often try to imagine his life in the same period I am living. He did a good job and I hope I do as well as he did.

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