Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Space Jinx

Our space jinx continues. 
Alex and I decided to watch the space shuttle Atlantis launch yesterday, so we made some popcorn and fired up the Internet to watch streaming video of the blastoff from NASA's online site.
Or so we thought.
The video feed remained static, despite numerous efforts to refresh the browser, and the audio never came through. Through stills on the video, we finally figured out that the shuttle had indeed taken off for its mission to repair the Hubble telescope.
Fittingly, we probably could have watched the liftoff on good, old-fashioned TV as Alex, Rob and I later watched a tape of the liftoff on Yahoo, with the video coming from ABC's cable news channel, which we receive here on AT&T U-verse.
Ah, technology. Can't live with it, can live without it.

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