Monday, May 4, 2009


Old Wahoo led Rob and Alex a step closer to nerdom by taking them to a comic book store for Free Comic Book Day on Saturday. It appealed to my geek side - I loved comic books as a a kid, everything from G.I. Joe to X-Men - while also appealing to my fatherly instincts (i.e., it was a cheap activity and got the battlin' boys out of the house).
Not surprisingly, the comic book store lived up to my expectations, not my hopes. There were boxes and boxes littered throughout the dusty room, and it was hard to tell if there was any organized way in which the books were stored. In fact, the free comic books were almost hidden in a box by the front door.
Fortunately, the boys liked it, even if they fought over the same free comic book. ("They're free, and you can each have one," I almost shouted. Or maybe I did.) Rob was so into his "Cars" comic that he started reading it before we left the store. And Alex said it was "AWESOME."

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