Friday, June 26, 2009

"I'll Be There" will never be the same

With the death of Michael Jackson on Thursday, Mrs. Wahoo played some old Jackson 5 for the kids this morning. Matt loved it, but Old Wahoo started singing "I'll Be There" to Alex, who was not impressed. "That's the stupid song from the State Farm commercial," he said. 
Ah, the perils of commercialization.

P.S. Alex watched a video of the Jackson 5 on the "Today" show, and he thought it was cool that Michael was just a kid when he sang "I'll Be There"


  1. Alex also said that the point of "Man in the Mirror" was that the good guys would shoot all the bad guys to "make that change."
    Not quite.

  2. Many great artists battled demons. Those battles were expressed in their work and, oddly enough, contributed to their greatness. I don't know the struggles Michael Jackson encountered, but it seems they were many. He, like John Lennon, had so much more to contribute. A sad ending, and several sad chapters, to the life of one so talented.
