Monday, September 21, 2009

Soccer Two-Step

I have new-found respect for all soccer moms, hockey dads and baseball parents. I knew it was tough ferrying kids around to practice and shuttling back-and-forth between games, but this weekend I had the pleasure of experiencing those good times first hand.
It's a pain. Big-time, from putting uniforms on the kids to finding the right fields (which sounds simple, but I managed to screw that up once this weekend).
That said, I also know that we have it easy. We have just two kids playing right now. We are just doing recreational, house leagues - no travel teams. Practice time is minimal (which is easy for me to say, since I'm at work and Mrs. Wahoo has to handle all of that running around).
Plus, I think the weekend was worth it. Both boys had fun, which is the important part. And both boys had coaches who helped them learn and kept it fun, which is an even tougher balancing act (and coaching is an even bigger time issue and potential headache).


  1. Brother, you cannot imagine how much I identify with this post. Yes, I'm sure you can as we crossed paths often this weekend on soccer fields! You forgot the added delight (ahem, chaos) of team pictures in the mix!

  2. Kim--I have renewed respect for you after this weekend! You have been at this tap dance WAY longer than we have and you're still smiling. Smiling through tears maybe, but smiling none the less.
